PKU express® is a concentrated, powdered PKU protein substitute which when mixed with water is easily made into a drink. The volume can be adjusted to your own preference.
PKU express® is a concentrated, powdered PKU protein substitute which when mixed with water is easily made into a drink. The volume can be adjusted to your own preference.
Please note, PKU express is only available in Ireland. If you are based in the UK, please see the PKU express plus page
PKU express is a concentrated, powdered PKU protein substitute which when mixed with water is easily made into a drink. The volume can be adjusted to your own preference. PKU express is available in two sachet sizes:
Both sachet sizes also contain all the vitamins and minerals that are needed to help meet your daily nutritional requirements.
PKU express is for children and adults with PKU. It is suitable from 3 years of age onwards and can be taken through to adulthood. Your dietitian will advise when is best for you or your child to move on to PKU express. Although PKU express is suitable from 3 years of age it is often introduced at school starting age or later if needed.
As we grow our nutritional requirements change, and this is no different for those with PKU. Vitaflo products are tailored to meet these requirements in the most efficient way. Vitaflo want to make sure the right product is available at the right time to meet your protein, vitamin and mineral requirements.
PKU express meets nutritional needs in older children and adults and can replace the second stage protein substitutes, such as PKU squeezie. PKU express is more concentrated than PKU squeezie, so taking the recommended amount is easier.
The amount of PKU express needed will depend on a variety of factors including age and weight. Initially, the amount needed may only be small but it will increase as you get older to support growth. Your dietitian will advise exactly how much PKU express will be needed each day.
Making PKU express is easy! The great thing about PKU express is that it can be made in a variety of ways. Below are instructions of how to make PKU express up in three different ways to give you an idea of how to use it. But remember it’s your product; you can make it however you want!
PKU express ‘paste’…. A few spoonfuls and it’s gone
PKU express ‘mini’ drink…Great if you want to take it quickly
Follow the steps above but add 80ml of water if using PKU express15 and 100ml of water if using PKU express20*
PKU express ‘flexi’ drink… Make it to your own taste and volume
*Remember water or another permitted drink should be taken straight after PKU express.
PKU express comes in unflavoured, orange, tropical and lemon flavours. PKU express unflavoured can be flavoured using your own permitted flavourings or Vitaflo’s separate flavour pac sachets which are available in blackcurrant, orange, raspberry and tropical flavours.
PKU express is a powdered protein substitute, which is great if you want the flexibility to make your protein substitute to your own preference. If you prefer convenience, and would like to use a liquid protein substitute click on PKU cooler and PKU air on the VitafriendsPKU product journey for more information about Vitaflo’s ready-to-drink products.
Don’t forget to sign up to the Vitafriends newsletter to receive updates about new recipes, our low protein foods and PKU events in your area.
Join the Vitafriends PKU Facebook page to get support from others with PKU.
Use the 'Useful Resources' section above to view our express recipe book which has lots great ideas about how to make up express using permitted drinks.
PKU express is a food for special medical purpose, and should be used under medical supervision.
If you haven’t done so already, why not register for the Vitafriends Explorers Club – an education programme for families managing PKU in the early years.
It’s packed full of recipes to help with the introduction of solid foods!