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Mini Crackers™ are low protein herb flavour snack crackers suitable for a low protein diet and for those with PKU (3 Years and above).

Mini Crackers

What are Mini Crackers?

Mini Crackers are low protein, herb flavour, bite sized crackers available in 40g snack sized packets.

Who are Mini Crackers for?

Mini Crackers are suitable for people with PKU and can be used from the age of 3 years onwards.

Do Mini Crackers contain any exchanges?

No, Mini Crackers contain a very small amount of protein per packet, therefore the phenylalanine level is not counted towards your daily exchanges.

How do I use Mini crackers?

Mini Crackers can be eaten as a snack on their own or they can be incorporated into the diet in a number of ways:

  • Mini Crackers can easily fit into a packed lunch box
  • You can dip Mini Crackers in to salsa or dips made with ProZero
  • Added to savoury dishes to make a crunchy topping
  • Click on the recipe section above for recipes including Mini Crackers

Other useful bits of information.

Check the NSPKU dietary information booklet for suitable dips.


Don’t forget to sign up to the Vitafriends newsletter to receive updates about new recipes, our low protein foods and PKU events in your area.


Join the Vitafriends PKU Facebook page to get support from others with PKU.

Useful resources
Boy playing with football illustration

Explorers Club

If you haven’t done so already, why not register for the Vitafriends Explorers Club – an education programme for families managing PKU in the early years.

It’s packed full of recipes to help with the introduction of solid foods!