PKU squeezie™ is a ready to feed protein substitute which is of a semi-solid consistency. One pouch contains the equivalent of 10 grams of protein, and the vitamins, minerals and omega 3 & 6 that are needed to help meet your child’s requirements.
PKU squeezie™ is a ready to feed protein substitute which is of a semi-solid consistency. One pouch contains the equivalent of 10 grams of protein, and the vitamins, minerals and omega 3 & 6 that are needed to help meet your child’s requirements.
PKU squeezie is suitable for children with PKU from 6 months of age. PKU squeezie can be taken up until your child is 10 years old, however your dietitian will advise when is best for them to switch over to their next protein substitute. This is usually around the age they start school.
When your child is around 6 months of age your dietitian will help you start the process of introducing solid foods into your child’s diet, often called weaning. At this time your child will need to start introducing a second stage protein substitute alongside their phenylalanine-free infant formula that they will be taking from a bottle. PKU squeezie is a second stage protein substitute that has been specifically developed to make this weaning process as simple and stress free as possible.
The amount of PKU squeezie your child needs will depend on a variety of factors including their age and weight. Initially, they may only need a very small amount which will increase as they grow. Your dietitian will advise exactly how much PKU squeezie your child will need each day.
PKU squeezie is easy to use! Simply…
*As your child gets a bit older they may prefer to take the product straight from the pouch instead of from a spoon making it even easier to take PKU squeezie when out and about.
PKU squeezie is apple and banana flavour. Natural flavours are used in PKU squeezie so it can be introduced when your child is 6 months old.
Don’t forget to sign up to the Vitafriends newsletter to receive updates about new recipes, our low protein foods and PKU events in your area.
Join the Vitafriends PKU Facebook page to get support from others with PKU.
Don’t forget to sign up to the Vitafriends newsletter to receive updates about new recipes, our low protein foods and PKU events in your area.
Join the Vitafriends PKU Facebook page to get support from others with PKU.
PKU squeezie is a food for special medical purpose, and should be used under medical supervision.
If you haven’t done so already, why not register for the Vitafriends Explorers Club – an education programme for families managing PKU in the early years.
It’s packed full of recipes to help with the introduction of solid foods!